Québec West / Ouest - Director Vacancy / Poste d’administrateur vacant

Written by CCWG Monday, November 8, 2021

Quebec West - Director Vacancy

Québec Ouest – Poste d’administrateur vacant

David Mastine was a CCWG Director since 1999 and President since 2015. He recently resigned from the Board due to other personal commitments. We thank him on behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and shareholders for his many years of loyal and dedicated service to CCWG.
The position is now open to accept Director nomination ballots for the position until January 31, 2022. Any Quebec West / Ouest shareholder may apply for the position.

David Mastine était administrateur de la CCWG depuis 1999 et président...

Posted in Company News

2021 Wool Industry News

Written by CCWG Monday, November 8, 2021

CCWG Wool Industry News / Nouvelles de l”industrie de la laine

The CCWG recently held Management and Board of Director meetings at the 103rd Annual General Meeting held via Zoom video conference on October 16th, 2021.

La CCWG a récemment tenu des réunions avec la direction et le conseil d'administration lors de la 103e Assemblée générale annuelle tenue par...

Posted in Company News

2021 CCWG National Sheep Industry Award

Written by CCWG Wednesday, September 8, 2021

2021 CCWG National Sheep Industry Award

The CCWG Board of Directors and Management Team are pleased to announce that Nancy Mallinson, Valley Livestock Supplies in Abbotsford, BC is the recipient of the 2021 CCWG National Sheep Industry Award.

This award recognizes excellence for achievements, contributions and service to the sheep and wool industry in Canada. Nominated by the British Columbia Sheep Federation, they indicated that Nancy Mallinson meets or exceeds the criteria identified to qualify for consideration of this award.
She has been an active member or director of all sheep associations in British Columbia for many years, has played a vital role in 4-H activities in many roles, is an agent for CCWG with her business Valley Livestock Supplies, and is a tireless mentor and advocate for sheep producers, new and experienced.
Since 1976, when the Mallinson family first started producing sheep, Nancy has been an...

Posted in Company News

International Plowing Match comes to North Grenville

Written by IPM 2022 Thursday, August 12, 2021

The 2022 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo is scheduled to be held in Kemptville from September 20th to 24th, 2022.


The event will be centred around the former Kemptville Agricultural College Campus and the former Kemptville Agricultural College Farm.
If you are interested in help with the following committees, please contact them.
Check them out on Facebook for more info or visit:



Holstein Agro Expo & Rodeo

Written by Holstein Agro Expo Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Thanks to our surrounding community for the outpouring support in sponsorship to make the

2021 Holstein Agro Expo & Rodeo happen!

Please be sure to get your tickets on-line early, have fun, shop local! Our community needs us more now than ever!

Friday Events - Shearing School, Shearing Competition, Rawhide Rodeo Show, Cara Smith Band

Saturday Events -  Breakfast, Dog Trials, Cowboy-up Unplugged band, Rawhide Rodeo Show


For more info please visit:

Posted in Shows and Sales

Virtual Atlantic Purebred Sheep Sale 2021

Written by PSBANS Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Purebred Sheep Breeders’ Association of Nova Scotia

is having a virtual Atlantic Purebred Sheep Sale on September 18, 2021.

Rules and regulations of the sale and the entry form.

Entries are due August 15th.

Any questions feel free to send me an email.

Janessa, PSBANS secretary 
[email protected]

Posted in Shows and Sales