Canadian Sheep Identification Program Fees Increasing Today
Canadian Sheep Identification Program Fees Increasing Today

Wool Growers thrive amid global downturn
The century old woolgrowers' co-op has seen sales rise even as global demand has dropped.
Canadian shearer set a new world shearing record in a Waikato woolshed in New Zealand
Congratulations to Pauline Bolay!
A Canadian shearer who set a new world shearing record in a Waikato
woolshed on Saturday has paid tribute to a New Zealand shearing
couple who were the inspiration for the challenge.
Pauline Bolay, who works for a shearing contractor in Waikaretu,
smashed the women's solo eight-hour strongwool lambs record of
Women's 8 hour Lamb World Record attempt
Pauline Bolay from Manitoba will be in New Zealand for the Women's 8 hour Lamb World Record attempt on December 10, 2019.
CCWG Wool Market and Business Update – Fall 2019
CCWG Wool Market and Business Update – Fall 2019
2018 / 19 Wool Market Update
The wool market has been experiencing quite a rough ride for the current wool marketing year. During the first quarter the market seemed to be on track for stable conditions with both fine wool and crossbred types achieving reasonable prices and demand. There were expectations at the time that good progress was being made for a new China / USA trade agreement.
This situation however was short lived from April onwards as a number of factors came into play. Traditionally the market for wool is at its best and consumer confidence is greatest when there is positive growth in global economies and a stable worldwide political environment. The current situation of widespread indecision and uncertainty has had a detrimental effect on all value chain partners within the entire wool textile industry. China is the world’s largest market for woolen garments of which approximately 45% is for domestic consumption and the remaining 55% for export. The escalation of the China / USA...